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Hello and a warm welcome to my website. To learn more about what I do and how I do it, click through the pages of the website. If you need any design materials, I have got you covered on the shop page. You can also read the latest in my journey by reading the blog. I encourage you to send me a message if you think we have anything to talk about, you can do that on the contact page.

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Handcrafted digital products at your disposal

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A few words about me

Hey there! I’m Julian, but you can also call me Hinnks. I’m a huge fan of 90s hip-hop culture, and I love photography, art, and collecting vinyl records. Currently, I work as a web designer, building awesome websites on CMS platforms. But before that, I used to sell digital assets, freelance, and create all sorts of cool graphics. You can find all that information by reading through the about page or this introductory blog post about myself.

My current goal is to create professional digital resources. I want to document everything by sharing different information and stories on my blog page. I am also an aspiring illustrator, and I want to make the transition from being just a graphic and web designer to being a full-time artist who creates beautiful and inspiring illustrations. Even if I have a direction for where I want to go, I do not have a specific plan; I go with the flow. This is what most people say. This is also what I am doing right now, with the hope that some day I will have successfully completed my goal and that I will inspire others to just start creating without overthinking.

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Visit my to see where I can be found on the internet.

Here is also a quick access to all the websites I have products on:

Creativemarket Graphics | Creativemarket PhotoGumroad | Graphicriver

Do things - Tell people